Rekindling a Love of Riding

Rekindling a Love of Riding

Rekindling a Love of Riding - Thanks to RiderCise RiderCise was founded on the belief that all riders, from the happiest of hackers and those new to the sport all the way up to elites and professionals, should make sure they are ‘fit to ride’. The benefits to the...
How to be Confident

How to be Confident

How To Be Confident Losing your confidence is something that many can’t grasp if they’ve never lost it. But it can and will affect nearly every one of us in one way or another. When we lose confidence in one area of our life, it affects our confidence in other areas....
The Riders Core: Part 1

The Riders Core: Part 1

This Riders Core Article was written by Clare for Endurance Magazine – Summer Issue 2023 This is the first part of a two part article which provides an insight into why Riders may be struggling to use their core in the saddle. Despite how hard they try.  What Is...

Running for Rider Fitness

Running for Rider Fitness Running is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and increase lean muscle mass. It is also Free!! You get to see areas from a different view, challenge yourself with different terrain, and get high on endorphins! For many, the feeling...
Rider Biomechanics

Rider Biomechanics

What is Rider Biomechanics Rider biomechanics refers to the study of how a rider’s body movements, positioning, and muscle activity affect their riding performance, comfort, and safety. It encompasses the analysis of various factors such as balance, posture, and...
RiderCise 5 Years On with Sally Toye

RiderCise 5 Years On with Sally Toye

I have been doing RiderCise for over 5 years now and it has truly revolutionized my riding life and fitness. Working out with RiderCise has gone beyond just improving my physical fitness and riding ability. It has improved my mental and emotional fitness to ride....