Designed to give you clear direction of where to start, when to move forwards and how to maintain your rider fitness.
Rider Fitness Workout Visual Overview
Having a visual overview of your Rider Fitness Journey helps you to map out in your mind, where you currently are and where you want to be. Broken into 3 Phases, it gives you a clear path of which Rider Fitness Workouts you should be starting with and how to progress forwards.
Postural Workouts
These workouts have been added to ensure that you are building upon a strong base. Like training a horse. If you are trying to build upon a weak base it will only lead to more problems in the future.
The Foundation Program is fantastic for re-setting your body awareness and control but over the years I have found that riders need more help to build that strong base.
Life stresses and the way we move and function can often compromise our static posture. When our static posture is altered it inhibits the ability of the core to function optimally.
We all have a core that functions as we use it to sit, stand, move and ride. But if it is not able to function correctly it means the body needs to rely more on certain muscles or use muscles not designed for that job, which leads to aches and pain, and a lack of ability to control our movement.
The Core consists of around 34+ muscles that need to work together in order for your Core to function optimally. Our static posture can cause short, tight, weak and/or lengthened muscles which inhibit those muscles to work together.
When you are struggling to use your core to move and ride, it isn’t because you don’t have strength in the Psoas or Transverse or whatever the latest ‘Buzz’ word is. Because no muscle works alone. You cannot improve function in one muscle without altering the function in another.
The Riders Core – Postural Imbalance
To help subscribers understand more about the Core and how their posture may be holding them back, there is an educational video which explains all you need to know!
The Postural Workouts
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