The RiderCise® Horse Riding Fitness Programs are short and simple yet highly effective workout routines that require minimal inexpensive equipment.
From the comfort of your home, you can follow along with Rider Performance Coach and RiderCise Founder, Clare. Start improving your horse riding fitness, strength, balance, and stability in the saddle easily today.
You won’t have to find time to get to a class, the gym, or spend £100’s on a personal trainer, you have Clare in your living room!

Posture Series
A Gym Ball and Resistance Band Length is needed for some of the workouts within this series

Foundation Series
No Equipment is needed for Foundation

Intermediate Series
2 x Wobble Cushions, a Resistant Band and Gym Ball are require for this Series

Advanced Series
All the equipment used in the Intermediate Series are needed for the Advanced Series and a Kettlebell. I recommend starting with 6kg

Maintenance Series
For our Programs, we use the same equipment so you don’t need to buy lots.
All the maintenance programs will use either all, of some of the equipment purchased for Advanced.
2 x Wobble Cushions, a Gym Ball, Resistance Bands and a Kettlebell.
The additional item would be a step that can be substituted with a mounting block, bench or ottoman.

Stretch Series
Most of the stretches are performed on the floor.
A chair is needed for some of the more advanced stretches.
Equipment Videos
Please watch the below videos for further information on the equipment used in the RiderCise Programs. These videos information about setting up and use to ensure you get maximum benefit and to keep you safe.