The Truth About Dieting is, it doesn’t matter which one you choose they all have one thing in common which is that they all have a calorie deficit. I wish there was more to it. I wish I could say that dieting was difficult and there are so many considerations to take into account and that is why people fail. But there isn’t anything more to say.

To lose fat you have to be in a calorie deficit. That’s it. It’s simple. So why do so many people struggle? it comes down to consistency and discipline. Some won’t like this answer, but it’s the truth.

What is a calorie deficit?

The Truth About Dieting

A calorie deficit is when you consume fewer calories than you burn or use in a day.

Why do we need a calorie deficit?

The simple fact is. To lose fat the body needs to be using more calories than you are consuming. That means when the body needs more energy it uses the fat stored in your body.

So why are there so many diets?

Simply because of marketing. If I told you that this ‘new diet’ would make you lose fat, you’d try it, right? Of course because you haven’t done this ‘new diet’ before so it may just be the one!

This ‘new diet’ is no different from all the others. There is still a deficit of calories but to sell this diet I have said its high fat, low protein based. No carbs.

When you start to look at all the diets around you will see that there is always one macro that is low or missing. Protein, carbs or fat. This is was creates a deficit.

Are you suited to a particular diet?

Yes and No. We have different body types, yes and some of us are more resistant or reactive to a particular macro.

A macro is a macronutrient – Protein, Carbs, Fat.

But really, these people are in a minority. The majority of people respond to a balanced diet of all macros.

I prefer a particular macro mix

If you prefer higher fats, proteins, or carbs that’s fine. You can diet and have one of those macros at a higher number but either protein or carbs must be reduced.

Let’s talk about the roles of each in a very SIMPLE way.

  • Protein: Builds and maintains muscle
  • Carbs: Provide Energy
  • Fats: Maintain hormones

So by taking a very simple view that each has a needed place in your diet.

What would work best for me?

The first question you must ask is ‘What Do You Want to Achieve’?

The diets of physique and performance are very different for someone who wants to lose fat but has no desire to run a marathon or do a bodybuilding class.

The typical rider wants to lose some body fat, feel leaner, look better (in their view), and build confidence. Most importantly they want to do it without giving up going to restaurants, have a glass of wine, or 2. Or well, living life.

Secondly, they don’t want to be on a ‘diet’ for the rest of their lives!

This is why having a balanced diet is the best way forward.

How Do I Have A Balanced Diet?

The very first thing you need is to understand WHAT EXACTLY you are consuming each day.

I often ask clients to tell me what they eat and what they think they are consuming in calories, fat, protein, and carbs.

Having been a fitness coach for many years I can quickly give an estimate based on what I’m told.

The numbers are very different….

Many have very little understanding of what is in the foods they eat and how calories quickly add up.

  • 1 A gram of Fat = 9 Calories
  • 1 A gram of Protein or Carbohydrate = 4 Calories

A typical shop sandwich will be between 256 calories and 590. Doesn’t seem like much but if your total calories per day are 1500 then it could be 1/3 of your needs.

I don’t want to track calories

I get this but, try to look at it as educating yourself and once you have you won’t need to anymore.

Calorie Tracking

Whichever ‘diet’ you have used requires you to either use points, tracking, or grouping of foods in some way. So if you have ever dieted then you have already tracked your food.

The difference between tracking calories vs tracking foods in numbers and groups is that you learn the nutritional value of foods.

I can walk into a shop and know roughly the calories and macros of EVERY food item in there. Sad? Maybe for some but it means that no matter where I am I can subconsciously make the right choices so that I NEVER put on body fat.

It also means that if I want to have that burger and the bottle of wine for dinner then I can adjust what I eat during the day to accommodate it and NOT PUT ON FAT.

This is the benefit of becoming educated by tracking calories.

Now. I am not saying that eat like that all the time because I don’t. Usually, my diet is balanced, and when I want to go out, eat with friends, treat myself, or just because it’s Tuesday. I have the knowledge to do it without affecting my body. And So Can You!

So, what do I do first?

Step 1. Download MyFitnessPal and get tracking.

  • Do not worry about your goals or what the calories are right now. Just track EVERYTHING for one week so you have an understanding of where you are.

Step 2. After 1 WEEK of tracking read this blog to learn how to calculate your macros

  • Do not be tempted to go to Step 2 before completing Step 1. This could hinder your success and I will share why in the next blog.

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